

Bruce Arcurio

Bruce Arcurio is currently in his first year as a Superintendent in the Lebanon Borough School District.  
Prior to this year he served for two years as Principal for Redwood Elementary School in West Orange, New Jersey. Previously he served as a Principal in the Hopewell 
Valley, NJ. For 12 years he served as a building level principal and in his final year he
oversaw a variety of technology related projects including: PARCC implementation, the
adoption of a new Student Information System, managing district online subscriptions,
and implementation of a 1:1 Chromebook program at the high school.  Prior to that he 
served as principal of East Amwell School (k-8), assistant principal of Loring Flemming 
Elementary School (k-5), and English teacher at Buena Regional High School.   He has 
spent his 25 year career in the state of New Jersey and believes that our state has some 
of the most innovative and exciting educators in the world.  He is thrilled to be connected 
with many of them on Twitter at #njed. He has co-moderated #njed chat and served on 
the organizing team for #edcampNJ.or for four years.
Presentations include:
  • Keynote: ASCDNJ North/Montclair State University New Teacher Boot Camp
  • Keynote: ASCDNJ North New Teacher Boot Camp
  • Student Centered Approaches to Inquiry: A Project Based Learning Approach
  • Digital Citizenship: Cybersafety in Global Environments
  • Digital Leadership and Learning: Elementary Breakout Session
  • Beginner’s Guide to Connected Learning: Building a PLN
  • Using Twitter to Develop and Expand Your PLN
  • Flipping the Faculty Meeting
  • Interviews: Why Should I Hire You?
  • Student Teaching and Resume Writing

Thank you for visiting!!

Twitter @PrincipalArc

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