Q1: What do you believe is the purpose of grades? #njed |
Q2: How do you grade students' - individual Work? #njed |
Q3: How do you grade students' work when it is done collaboratively? #njed |
Q4: How do you grade late work? Why? #njed |
Q5: Do you have experience with Standards Based Grading? If so, your thoughts? #njed |
Q6: What is your favorite formative assessment tool and why? #njed |
Q7: (How) Does effort/homework/behavior fit into your grading #njed |
These led to some great discussions about why we grade students. It is interesting to see that many educators are grading students based upon district practices that pre-date their employment and don't necessarily jive with their educational beliefs or philosophy. Another salient point that was raised is the idea of Standards Based Grading as a best practice as opposed to traditional grading. Following are some thought-provoking tweets from the chat:
These 12 tweets only give you a taste of the wonderful conversation that took place. I encourage you to check out the archive of the entire chat!
Ed. Leadership - Starting the Conversation About Grades -
Best Practices in Grading -
Grading Practices: The 3rd Rail -
ASCD - 7 Reasons for Standards Based Grading - http://www.ascd.org/publications/educational_leadership/oct08/vol66/num02/Seven_Reasons_for_Standards-Based_Grading.aspx
TOOLKIT for Evaluating Alignment of Instructional and Assessment Materials to the Common Core State Standards
PARCC Condensed Scoring Rubric for Prose Constructed Response Items (DRAFT)
Grades That Show What Students Know (Marzano) https://www.ocps.net/lc/southwest/mso/parents/Documents/Grades%20That%20Show%20What%20Students%20Know.pdf
Standards Based Grading - YouTube video
Joe Bower posts on Grading/Abolishing Grading
Why Schools are Ditching Traditional Grading
Doug Reeves on Toxic Grading Practices (YouTube)
Doug Reeves - The Case Against Zero http://www.leadandlearn.com/sites/default/files/articles/caseagainstzero.pdf
If you feel moved to do so, please provide your thoughts on grading and grading practices in the comments. Also, please join us each Tuesday at 8:30pm EST on Twitter using the hashtag "#njed" as we discuss topics that are important to New Jersey educators and educators from around the world. We enjoy and welcome participants from near and far. Join us!